The Eucharistic Minister is a licensed lay person who assists the clergy in the administration of sacraments during the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharistic Minister works under the direction of the priest. Anyone interested in becoming a licensed Eucharist Minister should contact the priest.
St. Martin's Vestry has seven members. Members are elected by the congregation at the annual meeting in January and serve a three year term. The priest presides over the monthly vestry meetings which are open to all members of the congregation. The vestry elects the Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Clerk from its membership and appoints the Paris Treasurer.
Members of the congregation are assigned to read one of the lessons for the day or the Prayers of the People during the service. A monthly schedule is posted for each of these assignments and new persons are always welcome to participate.
St. Martin's has a Sunday School available for youngsters who attend the church. There is a spiritual time and variety of other activities planned for them. They return to the church to participate in the Holy Eucharist or to receive a blessing from the priest. Anyone interested in becoming a Sunday School teacher should contact the priest or a current Sunday School teacher
The clergy team and organist conduct a weekly service at Brandywine Senior Living, Fenwick. The service is Morning Prayer with communion and is open to all residents. Members of St. Martin's are always invited to attend and participate.
The St. Martin's Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is open to all women of the parish. The ECW has an ongoing community outreach program and works with other committees in a support capacity. Examples of the initiatives and organizations supported by ECW are the Home of the Brave, The Way Home and disaster relief efforts, when needed. The group also present gifts to the residents of the Stockley Center who celebrate August Birthdays.
The St. Martin's altar guild is responsible for the presentation of the altar for services. The altar guild makes ready the linens, church cloths, candles and vessels needed for those services. Members of the altar guild perform their duties in teams of two following the schedule developed by the altar guild director and follow the Working Manual for Altar Guilds by Dorothy Diggs
Members of the congregation volunteer to provide transportation to church services for those unable to do so themselves. Currently transportation is provided to members from Brandywine Senior Living in Fenwick, but can be expanded when needed. Volunteers should own a larger vehicle, SUV or van in order to provide room for riders and their assistive devices.
On the Sunday closet to October 4th, St. Martin's celebrates the Patron Saint of Animals, Saint Francis of Assisi. A special ceremony , "The Blessing of the Animals" is held in the front churchyard prayer garden by the statue of St. Francis. This is done in remembrance and in witness to God's and the Church's love, care and concern for all creatures. The community is invited to attend and bring their leashed pets. Each animal is individually blessed for continual health, healing and in recognition of the special bond between humans and their companion animals and all creatures. A free offering is collected for the Brandywine SPCA in Georgetown, Delaware, which rehomes and adopts unwanted, neglected and abused animals as well as those animals that have been displaced by natural disasters.
The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church, sponsored by the Episcopal Women (ECW). INdividuals are encouraged to embrace a daily spiritual discipline of gratitude by counting their blessings and making an offering , placing aside coins/money as a way of giving thanks to God for those blessings. The money that is collected is distributed via grants to support the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church and the Province of the Anglican Communion at home and aboard. Women, children and the elderly are a focus of many of these grants. At St. Martin's the journey begins at Lent, culminating with the yearly Spring IN-Gathering of the UTO directly after Easter.
The goal of this ministry is to create a warm, welcoming outside environment to greet all visitors, guests and parishioners at S. Martin's through maintaining and improving the garden and landscaping that surrounds our church and parish hall. Volunteer workdays are scheduled for Spring and Fall garden and gard clean-up and seasonal maintenance. Parishioners of all ages and abilities participate and enjoy a bag lunch afterwards. The only requirement for volunteers is that they like playing in the dire.
St. Martin's parishioners support the Selbyville Food Pantry throughout the year, but especially during Thanksgiving. They contribute money and non-perishable food items to the Pantry which is housed in the local Methodist church.
The Pennies for Peace ministry collects spare change from members of the congregation to support the Deacon's Discretionary Fund. This allows the deacon to disburse the funds to assist and support various needs in the greater community.
Members of St. Martin's congregations host a weekly Coffee Hour in the parish hall following the Sunday service. Aschedule is posted where individuals sign up to provide items for it. The Coffee Hour allows for parishoners to chat with each other, as well as an opportunity to welcome visiors and newcomers.
Each Christmas Eve, the congregation gathers an hour before the service for a time of "Hot Chocolate, Cookies and Caroling". It is a wonderful way to officially start the Christmas Season for the church family.
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